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Overcome anxiety





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



Overcome anxiety(圖1)-速報App

Are you anxious and you do not want to have this feeling anymore? Help yourself and learn to control your panic and angry feelings. The application we created for you is one of the best methods to manage your anger and anxiety. Due to the effect on the neurotransmitters of the brain you can change your thoughts. The application focuses on your mind proposing an hour of audio relaxing music with binaural sounds and pleasant statements

Stop your worries now and put your worries away in your phone . With our application your worries are controllable now. Learn to reduce stress and depression and relax your body and mind. When you feel particularly anxious and depressed use your smartphone for support . The first treatment is your behavior modification.

It is usually the feared possibility of the consequences of an action that brings about anxiety. The people who get anxious are always worrying about the bad things that might happen and thus create an environment of fear in their minds.

A person who suffers from anxiety should not set self-defeating goals. It is instead better to set productive and possible goals that improve one's thought and action. With this step, the patient learns to gain better control over oneself and thus overcome anxiety. When suffering from a bout of anxiety, it is better to calm oneself naturally rather than trying to fight or control one's anxious feelings.

Anxiety and stress related illness are at an all time high right now due to many reasons including job loss, unemployment, financial pressure, bankruptcy, house repossession... you name it, times are tough!

Anxiety can be very distressing whether your symptoms are mild or severe and often accompanied by panic attacks. Anxiety is fuelled by worry and negative thoughts and is also a symptom of stress.

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Overcome anxiety(圖2)-速報App

how to overcome anxiety,

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You breathe very fast

Your muscles feel weak

You sweat a lot

Your stomach churns or your bowels feel loose

You find it hard to concentrate on anything else

You feel dizzy

You feel frozen to the spot

You can’t eat

You have hot and cold sweats

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